Visitors/users of the Website (www.ion.gr) (hereinafter referred to as Website) must carefully read the following terms of use and conditions for the provision of services prior to visiting or using the Website and our services. In any event of disagreement, visitors/users ought to avoid using our services; if not, any use shall imply acceptance and consent from visitors/users’ behalf. All terms and conditions of use set out below apply to the entire content of the Website and to everything included in the Website in general. ION S.A. may modify these terms and conditions of use at any time, and users/visitors must check every time for any potential changes; moreover, any continued use of the Website shall imply their acceptance of any modified terms and conditions; if not, they must avoid using/visiting the website.
These terms and conditions for the Protection of Private Data cover all private data of visitors/users/members which ION S.A. gathers during visits and uses of the services and pages of the website www.ion.gr (the Website). Furthermore, these terms and conditions cover the requirements for gathering, processing and managing private data of visitors/users/members from the Website by any companies associated with the Website. These terms and conditions do not in any way cover the relationship between visitors/users/members of the Website and any services that are not subject to the Website’s control and/or ownership.
Given the nature and the volume of the Internet, ION S.A. shall not be liable in any circumstances, including the event of negligence, for damages suffered by visitors of web pages, services, selections and contents of the Website. When visitors enter the Website, it is implied that they are aware of these terms and conditions, they accept them, and they waive any claim for damages potentially suffered while browsing the Website.
The Website gathers private data when a) visitors register in the services of the Website, b) visitors use products and/or services of the Website, and c) visitors visit the pages of the Website and/or enter the Website’s promotional/advertising programs.
Private data includes data or information that establishes the identity of a person, such as the name, e-mail address or other data that can be reasonably linked to the identity of a natural person, such as a mobile telephone number. Such data can be used for identifying a unique user, for purposes of showing targeted ads, messages or contents, among others.
Gathered data also includes data that is not necessarily linked to the identity of a natural person; such data include, but are not limited to, IP addresses, web browsers, operating systems, cookies, advertising IDs, types of devices, etc. Registration to the Website is optional. However, there are several features or services offered by the Website that may not be available to non-registered users.
Moreover, the Website may automatically gather specific information, including, but not limited to, the type of mobile device, the device’s unique ID number, the IP address of the mobile device, the operating system, web browsers, and information about how the Website is used.
When you use the Website, it is possible to establish your current location by means of GPS technology (or other similar technology), in order for us to identify the area you are in to show relevant messages/data/adapted functions.
The information requested during registration of visitors to the Website consists of: Name, Surname, Company, Telephone, E-mail address. In addition, upon registering to the Website, visitors/members are offered the option of receiving a newsletter from the Website to their e-mail accounts, as well as a list of interests that visitors/users may be asked to complete for purposes of sending notifications/advertising e-mails. The Website uses the private data of visitors/users/members for three reasons: First, to support clients/members/users through updates and to adapt the content offered by the Website in order for it to be relevant to their general preferences; second, to suit the occasional demands of clients/members/visitors about new services and products made available by and through the Website; third, to notify them about new offers of products and services.
The Website gives its visitors/members the right to delete, correct and/or update their private data and/or deactivate their registration at any given moment. Users can ask to be exempted from the gathering of data and/or ask for any data gathered up to that point to be deleted, by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address info@ion.gr.
All private data declared by users/members anywhere in the Website are exclusively intended for purposes of assuring the function of provided services and the legality of relevant transactions, and they may not be used by any third parties without complying with the provisions of the Greek Legislation, the Directives and Regulation of European Law and the provisions of the relevant International Law regarding protection from processing of personal data, as they are currently in force.
The use of the services provided by the Website may require other information for statistical reasons, and such information may also be gathered for the same reasons; however, according to the legal provisions concerning the protection of private data, such information is not associated with personal data of users/members.
ION warrants not to sell, lease, disclose and/or in any way publish private data of visitors/users of the Website to any third parties, natural persons or legal entities (with the exception of the competent authorities, as the Law provides). The Website may transfer private data of members/visitors/clients to other legal entities and/or natural persons only if ION S.A. has been granted the prior explicit written consent of visitors/members/clients for transferring private data.
All transfer of private data to legal entities and/or natural persons associated with the Website is necessary for fulfilling the desires and/or orders of clients/members. Legal entities and/or natural persons associated with the Website are entitled to edit private data that clients/members of ION S.A. submit to the Website only to the extent that such editing is absolutely necessary for purposes of supporting the Website.
The Website may use cookies for purposes of identifying visitors of specific services and pages of the Website, and also for improving user experience while browsing the Website and for optimizing the total quality of its services. Cookies are small text files stored in the hard drive of visitors when they visit a website and do not extract information about any documents or files from visitors’ computers. Cookies are only used in order to facilitate access of users/visitors to specific services of the Website, and also for statistical reasons, in order to determine the locations where the services of www.ion.gr are useful or popular, or for marketing reasons. Users of the Website may adjust their browsers in a way that it shall either warn about the use of cookies for certain services of the Website, or refuse acceptance of the use of cookies on all occasions. If visitors/users of specific services and pages of the Website do not wish to use cookies for identification, they ought to be aware that several features or services of the Website/Application may not function properly without cookies.
The following details are required for assigning visitors an e-mail address that will grant them access to specific services of the Website: Name, Surname, Date of Birth, Occupation, Gender, E-mail address. These details shall not be disclosed to third parties in any circumstances, except for the instances mentioned in this agreement, while the owners of e-mail addresses must maintain the confidential nature of their relevant access codes and avoid disclosing them to any third parties. The Website exercises no control over electronic messages sent to and from visitors/users through the e-mail address provided by the Website. The Website keeps a record of these e-mail addresses and may send messages of informative and financial content to their owners, unless the owners do not wish to receive any such messages. Any use of the electronic addresses by their owners is accompanied by a note informing them about the protection of information sent or received and the management of any problems. Any registration of visitors/users does not mean that they are in any way granted intellectual property rights, which are protected at all times by the relevant provisions of the Greek legislation and the international contracts and constitute exclusive property of ION S.A. The Website may decide, at its absolute discretion, about registrations or denial of registrations to a particular service, as it may also decide about potentially banning any interested parties.
The following details are required for registering visitors to the mailing lists of the Website’s newsletters: e-mail address. Ion.gr may keep a record of e-mail address of recipients in order to send more messages of informative and financial content other than newsletters, unless the recipients explicitly state their objection to receiving any such messages.
The Website includes links to other websites that are not controlled by the Website itself, but by other third parties (natural persons or legal entities). The Website shall not be liable in any way for the content and services of such websites and the Terms of Privacy Protection for visitors/users followed by such parties.
Any access to such websites is done solely at the risk and responsibility of visitors. ION S.A. does not endorse, nor approves any products or services offered in websites that are accessed through the Website. You must always check the address of the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) provided to your own WWW browser to see if you are still in the Website or you have been moved to another website.
Visitors are advised to read the full details of Terms of Use and Protection of Private Data of any websites whose links are included in the Website. Any problems that may occur during visits/uses of websites linked with the Website are exclusively subject to the area of responsibility of the respective websites, and visitors/users must address their concerns only to such websites. Any referral to other websites is done for purposes of facilitating the visitors/users of the Website and does not in any way create any obligation of any kind.
The “voting” service provided by the Website enables willing users/visitors to vote in questions put forward and emerging from running issues and other topics relevant to current events.
No private data is required for allowing users to participate in voting processes organized by the Website. The votes of visitors/users are only registered for purposes of reaching conclusions related to public opinion on a certain topic. All voting processes and results constitute intellectual property of ION S.A., who may specify terms and conditions for participating in the voting process and reserves the right to terminate the voting process.
The management and protection of private data of visitors/users of ion.gr services are subject to the terms and conditions included in this section, and they are also subject to the relevant provisions of the Greek legislation (Law 2472/1997) regarding protection of individuals and the protection of private data, as supplemented by the resolutions of the Chairman of the Committee for the Protection of Private Data, Presidential Decrees 207/1998 and 79/2000, article 8 of Law 2819/2000, Law 2774/1999 and the provisions of European Law (directives 95/46/EC and 97/66/EC). All present terms and conditions are set with consideration to the rapid development of technology and the Internet in particular, as well as the current –albeit not fully developed– framework of legal regulations concerning these issues. In this context, any relevant future regulation shall constitute of part of this section. In any case, the Website reserves the right to change the terms and conditions for the protection of private data upon informing visitors/users and within the current or future legal framework. Any visitors/users not agreeing with the terms and conditions for the protection of private data provided this section must avoid using the services of the Website.
This Website is property of ION S.A., it has been put to operation by ION S.A., and it is made available to you for purposes of information and entertainment. Any access or use of this Website shall imply the acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy, then you have the option of not using the Website.
Except for other provisions, this Website is furnished for personal and non-commercial use. It is forbidden to modify, copy, distribute, transfer, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works, transfer or sell items, software, products or services received from the Website. You may display on the screen, create digital copies, download and print parts of the material included in the Website for private and non-commercial use, on condition that no intellectual property rights are impinged and no exclusive logos or other notifications are modified, altered or erased. It is forbidden to make any other use of the Website’s material, including, without limitations, to modify, reproduce, distribute, republish, display or transfer the contents of the Website with the prior written permission by ION S.A. Any part of the material downloaded from the site, including, without limitations, software, files, images, data or any details of any other content, constitutes property of ION S.A. or ION’s licensees. Whenever you download material, ION S.A. provides you with such material in the framework of a license that is subject to revocation. ION S.A. retains the full and complete ownership of the software and all other related intellectual property rights. You may not redistribute or sell the material, and you may not reverse engineer, disassemble or transform the material into any other form that can be used by other individuals.
Visitors/users of the Website are obliged to provide true, accurate, valid and complete information as regards the data required by the Website. Furthermore, visitors/users are obliged to comply with the rules and provisions of the Greek, European and International Law and the relevant legislation governing telecommunications, as they are also obliged to avoid any illegal and abusive use of the contents and services of the Website. In addition, visitors/users are obliged to behave decently, politely and discreetly while visiting and using the Website, and it is also strictly forbidden to adopt any practices of unfair competition or other practices that are against NETIQUETTE (Code of Behavior of Internet Users). Visitors/users shall be exclusively liable for any damages to the Website resulting from bad or negligent use of the relevant services.
Any submission of material from your part implies that you accept the liability corresponding to it, which includes, among others, compliance with the terms of lawfulness and the provision of warranties as regards integrity, appropriateness, authenticity and intellectual property rights of such material. You may not upload files to the Website, and you may not distribute and in any way publish through the Website any material that is defamatory, slanderous, obscene, threatening, attacking privacy or rights of publicity, abusive, illegal or material that insults the personality, honor and freedom of individuals, or may constitute or encourage the commitment of a criminal offence, infringe the rights of third parties, or potentially incur liability or violate any law. You may not upload any commercial data to the Website.
Except for private data we may gather from you according to our Privacy Policy and the relevant provisions for the protection of Private Data (Law 2472/97), all comments, suggestions, ideas, images or other data you disclose to ION S.A. through the Website shall become property of ION S.A., even if this arrangement is terminated at a later time. ION S.A. and all individuals appointed by ION S.A. shall be free to copy, disclose, distribute, integrate or use material submitted by you for any and all commercial and non-commercial purposes, without any obligation to indemnify you or any others for the material submitted.
ION S.A. provides no guarantees and makes no promises about the accuracy or completeness of the Website’s content. The Website and all material, data, services and products, including, without limitations, text, images and links, are provided “per se” and with no guarantee, explicit or implicit, to the maximum possible extent in application of the law currently in force.
ION does not accept any responsibility for any guarantees, explicit or implicit, including, without limitations, any implicit warranties of marketability and suitableness for specific purposes, non-infringement, absence of computer viruses, and warranties emerging during the course of transactions or during execution, and ION S.A. does not guarantee, nor promises that the functions contained in this Website shall be continuous and flawless, or that any flaws to this Website shall be corrected, or that the server that makes the Website accessible contains no viruses or any other harmful elements. ION S.A. provides no promises and no guarantees about the use of the material included in this Website as regards completeness, correctness, accuracy, appropriateness, usefulness, timeliness, reliability or any other aspect. In addition, you (and not ION S.A.) shall incur the total cost for all necessary works of service, repairs or corrections.
ION S.A. shall not be in any way liable for any direct, indirect, special, exemplary, extraordinary, representative or associated compensation, or any other compensation – even if ION S.A. has been previously informed about the possibility of such compensation, either in the context of an action due to breach of contract, negligence or any other case that incurs liability when it comes as a consequence or is relevant to the use, inability to use, or attribution of data, services, products and materials made available through the Website. Such limitations shall apply despite any ineffectiveness of limited judicial means to respond to their intended purposes, independently from the outcome of any pending trial. Taking into consideration that there are jurisdictions that do not allow limitations to the duration of an implicit warranty, or release from or limitation of liability for any associated or extraordinary compensation, all above mentioned limitations may not apply in your case.
You hereby agree to compensate, defend and full release ION S.A., its officers, managers, employees, representatives, licensees and distributors from any liability for damages, expenses, compensation and costs, including the reasonable fee of an attorney and the relevant court expenses, that come as a result of infringing these terms and conditions or due to any activity associated with your Internet account (including, without limitations, negligence or illegal behavior), either from you or from a third person who gains access to the Website by using your own Internet account.
ION S.A. controls the operation of this Website from its head offices in Neo Faliro, Attica. We do not in any guarantee or imply that the material of the Website is appropriate for use outside Greece. If you are using the Website from a location outside Greece, then you are exclusively responsible for complying with the laws applicable to your location. You may not use or export the material of the Website by infringing the Greek laws and regulations regarding exports. Any claim related with the Website or your use of the Website shall be governed by the internal substantive laws of the Courts of Athens, without prejudice to any provisions regarding conflict of laws, and you agree that the jurisdiction and territorial competence for any action directly or indirectly resulting or related to this Website shall be in Athens.
By providing material to this Website, ION S.A. shall not promise that such material shall remain available to you. ION S.A. may interrupt the entire Website or a part thereof at any time and without any prior notification. ION S.A. also reserves the right to change the terms, requirements and notifications based on which this Website is furnished, and your use of the Website after any such changes shall imply your consent to the amended Terms and Conditions of Use. You agree to regularly check these Terms and Conditions of Use to verify whether they have been changed. If any provision included in this Agreement is illegal, void or non-enforceable, all other provisions included herein shall remain effective. This agreement constitutes the complete agreement between you and ION S.A. as regards all aspects of using the Website from your part. All rights reserved.